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Waldorf Weekly 4/5

March April 5, 2024



4/8 - 4/12: Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)

Ms. Mona's Spring Break Camp

4/8 - 4/18: Senior Trip to NYC

4/16:  PA Meeting, 6:00pm (CWS Music Room)

4/17: Parent Ed Event, 6:00-8:00pm

4/19: Community Singing, 8:30am (Aftercare)

Grade 6-8 Spring Dance, 4:30pm

4/20: Foundation Studies, 10:00am

4/21:  Earth Day Clean Up, 12:00pm

4/25-26: Grade 7 Renaissance Faire

4/26: Community Singing, 8:30am (Aftercare)

Meet & Greet with Erin Spinney, 8:15-9:00am

4/27: High School Prom, 7:00-10:00pm

***No School April 8-12. Have a Wonderful April Break!

Recycle Your Eclipse Glasses at School!

The Hub (Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub) will be collecting glasses to send to students in Latin America who will experience an eclipse in October. If you would like to recycle your eclipse glasses, please bring them to the front office, and we will take them to The Hub!

Earth Day Cleanup at Neighboring Parks!

Two parks that are close to our school’s building, and our heart, are Dale Park and Ann Buntin Becker Park. Both need a little love. The honeysuckle is invading. The weeds are unwelcome. The trash needs to find its way to a can.

In partnership with Sustainable Mariemont, join us on Sunday, April 21 as we clean up the parks. All ages are welcome. Come out and show your support for our community as we continue to be a school that cares for our land.

Sunday, April 21 starting at 12:00 noon.

Meet & Greet with Erin Spinney, rising First Grade Teacher!

Please join us for an informal Meet & Greet with rising First Grade teacher, Erin Spinney, on Friday, April 26, from 8:15- 9:00am in the CWS handwork room. This is a chance for parents to meet Erin, and learn more about CWS Grade School program.

We will have coffee available. Feel free to bring a breakfast item to share! We hope to see you there!

CWS New School Day Time For Next School Year

Preparations for the 2024-2025 school year are already in full swing. As we look to next year,

we want to inform parents that we have made some adjustments to the school day time.

The school day for all students will begin at 8:30 am each day. The school day will end at 3:15pm for Preschool-Grade 8 and 3:30 pm for High School grades. See the specifics below:

Official School Day Time:

2024-2025 School Year

  • 8:30 am-12:00 pm (Preschool & Kindergarten)

  • 8:30 am-3:15 pm (Grades 1-8)

  • 8:30 am-3:30 pm (High School)

New Arrival Time Window:

8:00-8:30 am Arrival Window:

  • Preschool Park & Walk to Preschool Play Yard

  • Kindergarten, Grades 1-3 Carline Drop-off Outdoor Arrival

  • Grades 4-12 Carline Drop-off at designated areas

8:30 am School Day Starts

  • Students are Tardy if arriving after 8:30 am

New Dismissal Time Window:


Dismissal Window

Preschool & Kindergarten Dismiss

11:45-12:00 pm

Preschool & Kindergarten students who stay for Early Care Dismiss

2:45-3:00 pm

Grades 1-3

3:00-3:30 pm

Grades 4-8 Dismiss

3:15-3:30 pm

Grades 9-12 Dismiss

3:30 pm

New Aftercare Hours:

3:15-5:30 pm Aftercare

As we get closer to the exciting Back-To-School season, we will communicate more details and specifics about Arrival and Dismissal instructions for parents. In the meantime, we wanted you to know, in advance, about the change in the School Day Time for next school year.

Parent Ed. Creating Rhythm & Joy from Birth to 6 Years

Time & Location

Apr 17, 2024, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Cincinnati Waldorf School

Mark Your Calendars for May Day — Friday, May 3rd!

It is with great joy that we invite you to join us in celebrating our May Festival on Friday, May 3rd. May Day has been celebrated for centuries to herald the arrival of summer, and we are thrilled to be able to enjoy this festival as a community.

All school celebrations take place at Ann Becker Park, which is just a short distance from school. Times are as follows:

9-11am: NatureTots, Preschool, and Kindergarten

1:30pm: Grades 1-12

Please arrive at Ann Becker Park a few minutes before your child's celebration is set to begin. This event is weather permitting. In the case of inclement weather, a text will be sent out in advance of the event. Our current rain date is Tuesday, May 7th (again, weather permitting).

More details will be sent in the coming weeks, but please mark your calendars now and plan to attend! Class teachers typically ask parents for donations of crown-making supplies — ivy, vinca, ribbon, and flowers — so consider harvesting some greenery or flowers from your garden or plan to pick up a bouquet. Parent volunteers are also needed for crown-making on the morning of Friday, May 3rd, so consider blocking out some time if you'd like to help!

Check Out New Spring Spirit Wear Styles!

We Have Ukuleles — and a Violin! — for Sale!

Thanks to Antonio Violins, who generously donated a large number of instruments to our Spring Benefit silent auction, we have a number of ukuleles for purchase to benefit CWS! These ukuleles (and one violin!) are listed on our auction website as Buy Now items for very reasonable prices. Or, make a donation offer by emailing

A big thank you to Antonio Violins for helping us raise money to support our school!!

Let Sound Move You: There Are Still Spots for Sarah Kimball's Spring Adult Eurythmy Series

Eurythmy has incredible benefits for adults and children alike! So, treat yourself to a 4-part spring movement series with the incredible Sarah Kimble — and "Let Sound Move You" on a path toward greater well-being! (Plus, experience for yourself what this eurythmy thing is all about 😂).

Support the PA's Spring Flower Power Fundraiser!

Spring is coming... spring is coming... flowers are coming too... roses, lilies, daffodillies, little crocuses too 🎶

Time to get those spring flower orders in so that your yard will be blooming and beautiful when spring arrives!

Plus, 50% of your order goes directly to the CWS Parent Association. Gifts to the PA support faculty appreciation, community events, facilities improvements, teacher training, and more!

CWS is Hiring!

Please click the links above for job descriptions.

If you are interested, please submit a cover letter and resume listing background, training, experience, and three references. Please call or email Susan Gray, Administrative Director, at 513-541-0220 or

Nature's Haven Summer Camp with Sarah Hammond & Saren Wozniak!

Explore nature with us this summer! Each day will be spent outdoors engaging in free play, focused exploration, Waldorf-inspired circle, and listening to nature stories. Camp will be based at CWS, but we will spend most of our time at Dogwood Nature Trail across the street. Feel free to invite friends and family who are not Waldorf students! 

Dates: June 24th - August 2nd

Monday-Friday   8AM-1PM

Ages: Rising Kindergarten - Second Grade

$300 per week (or $250/ week if attending all 6 weeks) 

Register for camp HERE!

Sign Up for Ms. Mona's Summer Camp!

Thank You to the Following Sponsors!

Supporting CWS at the Mahogany Level:

Supporting CWS at the Cedar Level:

Supporting CWS at the Oak Level:

Supporting CWS at the Maple Level:

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han gu
han gu
Aug 20

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