August 18, 2023

August 19: Grades 7 & 8 Potluck, Noon
Grade 1 Potluck, Noon
Grade 3 Potluck, 1pm
Grade 2 Potluck, 3pm
August 20: Back to School Night, 5-8pm
August 22: Grades 1-12 Resume, Noon Dismissal
Rose Ceremony (Grades 1, 8, 12 & Families), 11am
August 23: Preschool/Kindergarten/After Care Resume
August 25: New Parent Coffee Social, 8:15am (Community Room)
Back-to-School Night Is This Sunday!
Plan to attend Back-to-School Night this Sunday! This is an ADULTS ONLY event, though babes in arms are always welcome. Get all the details about the evening here.
First Week Reminders!!
The first day back (8/22) is a NOON DISMISSAL for Grades 1-12!
Grade School Drop Off (Grades 1-8) is now 8am so that the students have executive functioning time before class begins. Car line will run until 8:10am.
Pick up for Grades 4-8 is 3:00pm.
If you haven't read the CWS Back-to-School Guide, please check it out here. This is your one-stop-shop for Back-to-School information!
**Reminder: CWS Is a Nut-Sensitive Campus
As you are packing lunches and snacks for your child, please remember to keep all our students and faculty safe by not sending anything with nuts to school. This and other important policies and reminders can be found in the CWS/CWHS Family Handbook!
New Parent Coffee Social Friday 8/25

Community Singing Resumes Friday, September 1st!

Everyone is welcome to join choral music teacher Adam Petersen on Friday mornings from 8:30 to 9:15 AM in the Community room for Community Singing! This is a wonderful opportunity to cultivate our community, to make new connections, and to share in the songs of our school's festivals and our students' curriculum. No musical experience necessary.
Be Sure to Get Connected!!

Get connected with other parents and families via the CWS Community Facebook Page.
& Follow CWS on Facebook and Instagram to see what our students and faculty are up to!
