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CWS 2024 Back-to-School Guide

Writer's picture: Beth McDanielBeth McDaniel

Here's everything you need to know to make Back-to-School a big success.

1. Support the CWS Calendar Fundraiser

You do not want to miss this beautiful wall calendar featuring art by CWS students in Grades 1-12! This stunning calendar takes you on a journey through the grades and our Waldorf curriculum. It also includes basic dates for this school year — first day, last day, parent teacher conferences, open houses, breaks, festivals, and more!

This calendar is being offered at accessible price points so that all families can have one to enjoy, but you can also use your purchase to support CWS fundraising efforts. CWS calendars will be available at the Grades Potluck on 8/17 and on Back-to-School Night. (*Revised 8/9: Calendar arrival is delayed, so they will no longer be available for pick-up during inservice. Apologies for the inconvenience!) Calendars can also be sent home with students the first week of school!

2. Show Your 💜 for CWS — Volunteers Needed for Our Back-to-School Community Work Day on 8/10 @10am

Calling all CWS students and families! It's all hands on deck Saturday, August 10th at 10am as Dexter Simpson, CWS Facilities Manager, heads up a Community Work Day to ensure our campus is looking beautiful for Back-to-School. All CWS families are strongly encouraged to attend and contribute to this FUN, community-building event! Snacks and drinks will be provided. Work will focus primarily on beautifying and cleaning up around school — weeding, mulching, trimming bushes, laying sod, etc.

Come, join the fun and show your commitment to our school and community!

3. Plan to Attend Back-to-School Night on 8/19

Join us for a fun, informative evening! All families with children in Preschool — 12th Grade are encouraged to attend. This year's program features a keynote address by Caroline Harwood, CWS Lead Teacher and College Co-Chair. Her talk will focus on the current state of Waldorf education. Don't miss it!

During this year's Back-to-School Night, you are also welcome to tour the building and see all the exciting changes on our campus! While you're at it, be sure to check out the Parent Association's Gear Swap where you can purchase gently used outdoor gear. And, stop by the cafeteria to enjoy lunch samples from Chef Lex.

Please note that this is an ADULTS ONLY event, though babes in arms are always welcome.

4. New this year! One Potluck for Grades 1-8

If you have a student/students in Grades 1-8, please plan to attend the Grades Potluck on Saturday, August 17th from 3:45-6pm! This is a new event, designed to consolidate back to school potlucks and class meetings into one informative and social event.

What to Bring:

  • Please feel free to bring a dish to share. Tables will be set up behind the building, and paper plates, napkins, and cutlery will be provided (though feel free to bring your own reusable plates and cutlery if you'd like).

  • Please bring water bottles/beverages for your family.

  • We also suggest bringing camp chairs or a blanket if you'd like to have a place to sit during this event.

What to Do/Where to Go:

The potluck and socializing part of this event will happen in the outdoor areas behind and next to the school. When you arrive, place shared dishes on the picnic tables directly behind the school and find a spot for your family to set up your chairs/blanket. Please arrive in time to get your family settled and make it to your child/ren's class meeting/s on time. Class meetings will happen in the classrooms. The Parent Association will also have Gear Swap items for sale in the front hallway — so be sure to check that out and get geared up!

Child Supervision During the Event:

Faculty will be available to supervise students in Grades 1-8 while parents attend class meetings. Students should go to their designated recess areas for supervision.

  • For Grades 1-3, that area includes the hillside by the blacktop, the adjacent area down the hill next to the creek (referred to as the "Cup"), and the mulch play area behind the school.

  • For Grades 4-8, that area is the flat grassy area next to the school, which includes the kickball diamond (referred to as the "Bowl").

Faculty will also be available to supervise siblings enrolled in Preschool or Kindergarten at CWS while parents attend class meetings for their grade school students. (Please note: There will be no meetings for Preschool or Kindergarten classes at this event. Those meetings will take place on Back-to-School Night.) You may drop Preschool and Kindergarten children off in the Preschool play yard (fenced area next to the school). You will be asked to sign in and out. Younger siblings are also welcome to attend class meetings.

If you have questions about this event, please contact

5. 2024-2025 School Calendar and Arrival Times

You can access the CWS school calendar on our website here. There is also a designated Athletics calendar, which can be accessed here. Please note that the first day for students in Grades 1-12 is Wednesday, August 21st (Noon Dismissal). The first day for Preschool and Kindergarten students is Thursday, August 22nd.

This year the school day for all students will begin at 8:30am. The school day will end at 3:15pm for Preschool-Grade 8 and 3:30 pm for High School. See the specifics below:

Official School Day Time:

2024-2025 School Year

  • 8:30 am-12:00 pm (Preschool & Kindergarten)

  • 8:30 am-3:15 pm (Grades 1-8)

  • 8:30 am-3:30 pm (High School)

New Arrival Time Window:

8:00-8:30 am Arrival Window:

  • Preschool Park & Walk to Preschool Play Yard

  • Kindergarten, Grades 1-3 Carline Drop-off Outdoor Arrival

  • Grades 4-12 Carline Drop-off Indoor Arrival

8:30 am School Day Starts

  • Students are Tardy if arriving after 8:30 am

New Dismissal Time Window:


Dismissal Window

Preschool & Kindergarten Dismiss

11:45-12:00 pm

Preschool & Kindergarten students who stay for Early Care Dismiss

2:45-3:00 pm

Grades 1-3

3:00-3:30 pm

Grades 4-8 Dismiss

3:15-3:30 pm

Grades 9-12 Dismiss

3:30 pm

New Aftercare Hours:

3:15-5:30 pm Late Care


Please contact the school (by phone or to the email addresses listed below) if your student will arrive late to school, leave early for an appointment, or be absent. If we do not receive a notification and reason for your student's absence, the absence is unexcused.

CWS Main Phone Line: 513-541-0220 

Jennifer Hummel, Front Office Administrative Assistant  

KJ Gerhardt, Front Office Administrative Assistant

Please do not send sick students to school. Students should be fever free with improved symptoms for at least 24 hours and feel well enough to participate in the day's activities before returning to school.  

6. New Parent Coffee Social Friday 8/23

7. Fill Out Student Forms Before 8/25

Please set aside some time to complete student forms well before school begins so that we can be prepared to receive your children. If your student forms are not received by Sunday, August 25th, your student/s will not be permitted to be in school until the forms are turned in. This includes submitting copies of your student's birth certificate and physician medical statement with immunization record. 

Please be sure to review and update all forms for completeness and confirm they are dated for this current school year. Remember to select the [SAVE] button on each page.

Student forms are located in your family portal. From the school website, select [School] on the left side bar, [Webforms]. You can also find helpful information such as the CWS Family Handbook, Prescription Medication Authorization Form, and the Required Medical Statement for students under [School/Resource Documents].

Some specifics to note on particular forms:

Student Information Form: Please make sure the Local Public School you enter is the most up to date school building that your child would attend this year in your local district. Ex: Symmes Elementary or Sycamore High School.

Student Medical Statement: The form (found in the Family Portal under Resource Documents) in the student's file should be dated by a physician from a visit within the past 12 months. This form can be dropped off in the main office or emailed to Jennifer, KJ or Nicole.

Prescription Medication Authorization Form:  Please send in a paper copy if your student needs to have prescription medications on hand while at school. CWS likes to have two quantities of RX medications if possible (one for the class medical backpack and one for the main office). It is very important to have this paperwork and these medications. You can bring these to Back-to-School Night or drop them in the school office.

Student Self-Dismissal Permission Form: If you give your student permission to self-dismiss, CWS must have a self-dismissal permission form filled out and dated for the current school year.

Thank you so very much for partnering with CWS/CWHS to care for and educate your children. They are inspiring to us! 

8. School Policies and Important Reminders

The CWS Family Handbook is your one-stop-shop for school policies and procedures. It is being updated and will be posted on the website and in your family portal soon.

**Cell Phone Policy Reminder

Cell phones during the school day are a major and unnecessary distraction. CWS has the following cell phone policy to ensure that all students are able to fully take part in academic lessons, social interactions, and all of the events of the school day. 

In general, cell phone devices are not permitted to be used on campus during school hours. CWS recognizes that some older Grades students and certainly High School students may need to have a phone at school to use during after school times therefore the following rules must be honored and followed:

  • Students will turn off their phones and keep them put away in backpacks or lockers during the school day.

  • Some teachers may prefer to set up a system in the classroom for students to place their phones. If this is the case the phone will still be turned off and unused during the school day. 

  • Students will not use their cell phone in any way or at any time during the school day*. This means no texting, calling, social media use, etc. at any time. If a student has a need to make a phone call, they can receive permission from their teacher to go to the main office to use the office phone.

*High School Exception: High School students are permitted to use their phones without expressed permission between classes but are asked to do so in good judgment.

*Medical Purposes: Students with medical conditions that require monitoring while at school, are permitted to use their cell phones for these purposes only. Parents/guardians will arrange this with the school prior to cell phone use in this way.

  • Students in CWS After Care are to follow the same cell phone policy that is in place during the school day. 

  • High School Exception: High school students staying after school for clubs, sports, etc. may use their cell phones to communicate with their carpool drivers or parents/guardians and to listen to music with headphones/air pods, etc. High School students are not to use their phones for social media purposes or to watch videos, play games or browse the internet during these times. 

  • This cell phone policy applies to field trips (day trips and overnights) unless the circumstances of the trip require otherwise which the school will determine.

The following steps will be taken if a student is not honoring the school cell phone policy*:

  1. 1st Offense: Reminder to not have the device out. Faculty members will take the device to the main office. The student must stop by the Main Office at the end of the school day to retrieve their cell phone. 

  1. 2nd Offense: Reminder to not have the device out. Faculty members will take the device to the main office. The student must stop by the Main Office at the end of the school day to retrieve their cell phone. The parent/guardian will be notified about the incident.

  1. 3rd Offense: Faculty members will take the device to the main office. The parent/guardian will be notified. The cell phone will be picked up by the parent/guardian at the end of the school day.

If a student has 3 or more violations, the student will be required to drop off their device to the main office upon arrival and retrieve it at dismissal on each school day for 6-8 weeks.

*High School Exception: High School Faculty may decide a plan for a High School student that is more individually specific to the inappropriate cell phone use situation.

**Note to Families & Visitors

Please sign in and out of the main office when visiting inside the school building. 

To assist in a safe environment on our campus, please do not hold the external doors for other visitors entering the building if their identity is unknown. 

**Nut Free Campus Update:

In the past, there have been reasons for making CWS a Nut-Sensitive zone. As of this school year, that has changed. Nuts are no longer outlawed at our school.

Parents are encouraged to work with their class teacher if their student requires attention around nut consumption. But officially, the CWS Campus is now a nut friendly zone!

**Dress Code Reminders:

There are no changes to the dress code this year, but we would like to highlight a few policies, especially in regard to footwear.

  • It is important that students have well-fitting, sturdy, practical shoes while at school. Shoes that are designed like clogs, platform shoes, flip flops, slide-on sandals, etc. do not meet the requirement of a well-filling, sturdy shoe. We want to specifically note that CROCS do not meet the requirement of a shoe for students to wear to school. Additionally, students should wear shoes at all times while at school.

**Gum Not Needed ... At All.

One other reminder for parents....Chewing Gum IS NOT ALLOWED AT SCHOOL. Please also refrain from sending candy to school with your child. Our newly buffed and shined floors, wooden desks, our cleaning company, and our faculty all thank you for helping us to enforce these policies and keep our school un-sticky.

These Family Handbook Sneak Previews are the highlights of the day, but it will be very important for families to read through the 2024-2025 Family Handbook that will be available very soon via the CWS Website and the FACTS Family Portal. High School students and families have extra reading in addition to the Family Handbook; they get to read the CWS High School Student Handbook as well!! So much fun!! 

9. Return Your EdChoice Acceptance Letter

EdChoice Acceptance Letters have been mailed to your home, or will be mailed to you once your scholarship has been awarded. Please sign the acceptance letter, and either email it to the school at or bring it to the main office. EdChoice scholarships are not distributed until they have been formally accepted.

10. Sign Up for After Care (If You Haven't Already)

Our CWS After Care program is designed to support parents and children by providing flexible and nurturing after school options for children of all ages. After Care provides an essential care option for working parents; it also offers after-school fun, enrichment, and support for families looking for an engaging and screen-free way for their child to spend time after school hours.

We offer four different After Care options, depending on the age of your child and the needs of your family. Learn more about all of our After Care programs at the CWS website HERE.

To enroll your child in After Care, please contact our Business Manager, Libby Rupp, at Contracted after care is provided at a discounted rate and guarantees that your child's space will be held. Spaces are limited, particularly for preschoolers, so please contact Libby right away if you're needing regular care for your child. To book single day drop-in After Care sessions as space allows, please visit our website HERE.

11. Plan to Order School Lunch + Chef Lex Is Hiring!

If you're tired of packing lunch — or would just love for your child to have a hot, homemade meal instead — Chef Lex has got you covered. Chef Lex offers a healthy school lunch featuring organic, seasonal, local ingredients 5 days a week! Check the menu, and order here. Orders must be placed by 8am for lunch that day.

School lunches get rave reviews from faculty and students, but don't take our word for it — Chef Alexis will be offering "sweet and savory" samples for parents to try on B2SN. Swing by the cafeteria between 6:30-7:30pm, have a bite, and meet Chef Lex!

Chef Lex is also hoping to hire an assistant to help with the school lunch program. If you — or anyone you know — might be interested, please contact Chef Lex. Here are the details:

12. Need Gear for Back-to-School? Check out Gear Swap!

Class teachers are starting to send out Back-to-School supply lists, and those lists probably include a lot of gear! If you're looking for a budget-friendly way to make sure your child has what they need, check out the PA's Gear Swap.

You'll find shoes, boots, rain gear, hats, gloves, coats, base layer items, and more. Plus, you'll support the CWS Parent Association with your purchase. Score!

Gear Swap will be set up in the front hallway during the Grades Potluck and at Back-to-School Night! Gear Swap accepts cash and Venmo 💰

13. Don't Forget Your Labels, Mabel!

Mabel's Labels are a great way to keep track of all your child's things — from clothes and shoes to water bottles and lunch boxes. And best of all, when you order your labels, your purchase supports the CWS Parent Association. It's a win-win!

14. Join Our Team!

Part-Time Kindergarten Assistant

Have you ever imagined the fun of working at CWS in the mornings while your child is in class? Earning some extra money while spending time with our delightful kindergarten students? If you, or someone you know, sees this as a wonderful opportunity, please consider applying for our final open position for the 2024-25 school year. You can learn more about this position at our website HERE. Please contact Susan Gray if interested:

15. Did You Get a 2023-24 School Yearbook?

Last year's yearbook is absolutely incredible. If you ordered a yearbook and haven't picked it up yet, you can get your book/s the week of inservice — August 12th-16th from 9am-3pm.

And luckily, if you did not order a yearbook, it's not too late! You can still order last year's yearbook — and, trust us, you will be so happy you did 💜

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Aug 20, 2024

由于在线考试可以通过互联网远程完成,学生与考试场地的物理距离不再成为限制,代考服务也因此变得更加隐蔽和灵活。对于一些课程考试或公开课测试,代考 服务提供者通常会使用远程操控工具直接登录学生的在线考试账户,替代学生完成考试。与此同时,部分代考机构还会通过使用虚拟专用网络(VPN)等技术手段,伪装成学生的IP地址,以此避免被在线监考系统识别。

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